Friday, April 2, 2010

The Pre-final examination

S.Vijay Santhosh


I am sharing one of the poems which I wrote when I was in my final year of Under graduation.
please click read more option to read.

The following lines were penned while I was writing chemistry pre-final examination during my final days of graduation. I was as ordinary as any usual student can be and used to do one day batting for my final exams and 20-20 for pre-finals...I used to pass though, thanks to the attention I used to pay in my usual classes:)...truly speaking I don't believe in scoring top marks...I bet, any student  who never topped  would say the same thing, and I am no think people who say that it’s not winning which is important, might not have won diplomatically they say," we participated and learnt a lot or I don't believe in topping etc.,"....

Whatever it is I think all winner or topper are not successful and all successful people are not winners or topper....Bill Gates once said, "I studied everything but never topped but today the toppers of the best universities are my employees"....When I was in my under-graduation exams were not as often as I am writing now but whenever we had, they were the most unusual things to happen in the college….books everywhere and everyone felt weird!!!...but this was just one or two hours before the exams...and no matter how hard we study, only that question will come in the exam which we left intentionally, isn't it? happed with me many times:)....I sometimes think why don't they give the answers and ask us to frame the questions them....

 Imagine how many trees we can save and rescue loads of people from headaches (bring losses to pharma companies which are into making headache tablets:))...The struggles of the students are not over with the preparation alone, I've seen few of my friends cramming 3 days earlier from the exams to commence and I've also seen many of my pals who struggle in those 3 hours of examination not knowing what to do…as the questions in the question paper are mere strangers to them and the facilitator is not:(....poor guys they would be thinking, "I should have studied something or the other"..those 3 hours of examination is just hell for them as they are forced to sit until the final minute...

I remember one of my friend who used to study only one essay answer with perfection and would sit in the examination hall telling us, "it doesn't matter whether this particular question comes or not I am going to write it"  and this guy used to write the whole answer for whole 3 other who dint come prepared would just stare at each other's faces and spend the time. I was also one among them sometimes and the following lines were written during one such time during my chemistry exam after the first one and a half hour, as I finished writing my exam with little of what I knew. I had no plans of writing these lines but the environment made me write them....what all I saw in the examination hall I wrote, no exaggeration. 

3 Feb 2009.
10.35 am.
Chemistry pre-final examination.

We scan in the last moment
waiting outside the examination hall;
as we hear the final call
we slowly crawl in
and once it is out
we are clear with no doubt
we look at each other's faces
finding many unsolved mazes
each one surely knows
that the other doesn't know
few write crap with some sense
and the others do with full of nonsense
we don't even try to copy 
as it would never fetch us a trophy
so we stare, stare and stare
as we know, no one would really care
we sit silently with so much of sick
that you can even hear a clock's tick-tick
we eagerly wait for the last second 
waiting for the lecturers to say...its finally "THE END"


  1. Good one Vijay...I can feel myself in such situation sometimes..Its was really something which many feels but don't write it or say..they just ignore such smalls things in life..I hope you have motivated others to share there personal experience...carry on this good job..

  2. what a good poem ...... is it really written by you.....?

  3. @Ayush: Thank you dear...yes indeed many might have similar or some other experience but they don't share it...many have the habit of reading but only few do the writing part...M fortunate to be the one among them

    @Priyanka: Yes it was penned by me only...I was bored by sitting idle and I think the most creative ideas come when you are bored...M I right?

  4. Nice one dear ....wonderful....really is it written by u dear.....
